
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The developmental needs of a developing country like India are incomprehensive to enumerate. One argument recently came to fore is Government gives a monthly pension of min 500 per month for needy, who don’t have any other source of lively hood. This makes the individual lives on an expenditure of 20 Rs daily which is far below the standard for even the BPL. The point here is government supports the person with an amount of Rs 20 and it is not to certify that this is the only amount for subsistence. Then how the other amount required is earned is out of scope for government and our study.

The minimum needs of individual even in the far remote corner of our country are basic needs food, cloth, shelter, secondary needs education, health, freedom. Tertiary needs are social and cultural like functions marriage, birth, death, festivities etc. The popular needs doing round nowadays for measuring development are, life expectancy, infra development, surplus to spend, connectivity, access to information and participation in main stream of social political fabric of the nation.

All the needs if need to be measured in terms of monetary measures, for a set point of time, amounts to the study of developmental needs. For a country as vast and vivid like India the task is enormous. The country has resources and required manageability to meet this for say 2025 or 2050, provided the inequality in income distribution at individual or family level is considered and steps taken to reduce the disparity. Yes, for India to be branded from underdeveloped to developing country tag did not come in a day, same way instead of continuous improvement , thought should be given to break through step for development, which makes the tag of developed India true and realistic not only for statistical purpose but in real sense to every individual in the country. The time has come now to consider steps like green revolution, white revolution, say industrial revolution education revolution. The onus of development now should not rest with government or executive parliament, but all capable country men should be part of this revolution and seek only guide lines from the government. The steps followed by other nations and history may or may not help us devise the tools as the conditions in India are truly unique. For this instead of a leader of mass charisma active participant group leaders are required. To start with, let us think at individual level, we will not only think of wealth creation alone but also equitable distribution of wealth and resources by providing opportunity to all. We have to take the capable group into our net now and expand this to cover all.